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    Conjunto de datos: Encuesta Nacional Bicentenario UC 2007
    (Datos de Investigación UC, 2007) Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
    TIPO DE ESTUDIO: Cuantitativo, mediante encuestas personales en hogares. UNIVERSO DEL ESTUDIO: Toda la población de 18 años y más que habita en la totalidad de las comunas (censo 2002) del país. Sólo se omiten algunas zonas de muy difícil acceso y que representan menos del 1% de la población total. DISEÑO MUESTRAL : Probabilístico estratificado, en cuatro etapas de selección aleatoria. MARCO MUESTRAL : Está constituido por los antecedentes del Censo Poblacional de 2002 (INE) TAMAÑO DE LA MUESTRA: 2.037 personas efectivas. Margen de error a nivel total: +/- 2,2% FECHA DE TERRENO: El trabajo de terreno se desarrolló entre los días 6 de Julio al 15 de Agosto, 2007.
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    Conjunto de datos: Categorization of articles 2017 with authorship of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, through the SDGs
    (Datos de Investigación UC, 2021) Cortés Rodríguez, Patricio; Rondanelli Delpiano, Renzo; Santander Meneses, Paola; Vilches Vargas, Ricardo
    The dataset comprises a single list of publications exported from Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics) and Scopus (Elsevier) databases, to which a process was applied that eliminated duplicate records. 2,379 scientific publications in English or Spanish of the "Article" type from the year 2017, with authorship associated with the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, were considered. In addition, the classification process carried out by the team of specialists (authors) that considered three consecutive milestones is included: establishment of the reading level applied to each publication record; assignment of one of the 18 categories identified in the information analysis, which include the 17 SDGs and the option "unclassified" and one of the 169 subcategories corresponding to the goals; and, finally, the status of the review process carried out.
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    Conjunto de datos: Madame President, Madame Ambassador? Women Presidents and Gender Parity in Latin America’s Diplomatic Services
    (Datos de Investigación UC, 2021) Matthias Erlandsen
    This study focuses on the gendered nature of ambassadorial appointments. Analyzing the diplomatic services of ten Latin American countries between 2000 and 2018, we examine the factors that explain the designation of women to ambassadorships. More especially, we are interested in whether the election of women to the presidency in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Costa Rica had an impact on the gender gap at the top of those countries foreign services. Drawing on an original dataset on diplomatic appointments, we show that the presence of women ambassadors has increased only marginally over the past two decades. Furthermore, multivariate regression analysis demonstrates that women presidents on the left have (partially and temporarily) corrected the gender gap in their foreign services through political appointments, provided they had the discretionary powers to do so. Our findings suggest that the impact of women-led presidencies is conditional on the chief executives vested interest in gender parity and the scope of presidents prerogatives to appoint ambassadors. In so doing, the study contributes to debates on the descriptive underrepresentation of women in executive positions and the gender gap in diplomacy.
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    Conjunto de datos: Encuesta Nacional Bicentenario UC 2012
    (Datos de Investigación UC, 2012) Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Adimark; Centro de Políticas Publicas UC
    TIPO DE ESTUDIO: Cuantitativo, mediante encuestas personales en hogares. UNIVERSO DEL ESTUDIO: Toda la población de 18 años y más que habita en todas las comunas (Censo 2002) del país. Sólo se omiten algunas zonas de muy difícil acceso y que representan menos del 1% de la población total. DISEÑO MUESTRAL: Probabilístico estratificado, en cuatro etapas de selección aleatoria. MARCO MUESTRAL: Está constituido por los antecedentes del Censo Poblacional de 2002 (INE). TAMAÑO DE LA MUESTRA: 2.010 personas efectivas. MARGEN DE ERROR A NIVEL TOTAL: +/- 2.2%. FECHA DE TERRENO: Entre el 25 de junio al 25 de julio de 2012.
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    Conjunto de datos: Safety and effectiveness of dipyrone versus acetaminophen or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents for fever or pain management in paediatric patients: a systematic review
    (Datos de Investigación UC, 2023) Gómez, Constanza; Alarcón Andrade, Gonzalo; Martínez Pineda, Eliana; Facultad de Medicina. Departamento de Pediatría UC
    A systematic review was conducted to systematically assess, based on the best available evidence, the safety and efficacy of dipyrone for the treatment of pain or fever in pediatric patients, compared to paracetamol or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs