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    Slow Recoveries
    (WORLD BANK INST, 2010) Bergoeing, Raphael; Loayza, Norman V.; Repetto, Andrea; Loayza, NV; Serven, L
    In this study, we examine residential trajectories since birth among older adults in the Santiago Metropolitan Area, Chile, and their association with health outcomes. We linked retrospective residential information for a sample of 802 individuals aged 65-75 in 2019 to context-based information from decennial censuses. Our analysis reveals substantive heterogeneity in individuals' residential trajectories, thus mirroring social and urban changes in Chile's largest city. We found significant associations between residential histories and health outcomes at the time of the interview. Consistent residence in advantaged areas was linked to better health, whereas relocating to the metropolitan area from elsewhere was generally linked to poorer health, except for those moving to emerging middle-class areas. These findings underscore the importance of longitudinal and life course approaches in understanding the complex relationship between place and health.
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    A structured methodology for improving the owner-contractor relationship in construction projects
    (Routledge. Taylor & Francis LTD, 1999) Serpell Bley, Alfredo
    Given the complexity of the relationship between owners and contractors in construction projects, research work has been carried out to identify mechanisms to facilitate the understanding between these parts. Based on the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) approach, an exploratory study on the form of rationalising this relationship has been conducted and its preliminary results are presented in this paper. Within this research effort, a model that puts emphasis in the factors that, depending on the type of contract, can improve the performance of the project has been developed. This model helps to structure a set of information through a matrix scheme that allows the weighting of each relevant characteristic of the commercial relationship between the client and the contractor with the purpose of prioritising between them. The scheme uses a cross-impact approach and provides a sequential methodology that conditions the achievement of the owner's objectives to the actions of the contractor and to his own key contract management elements that influence the contractor's behaviour. It is proposed here that this methodology could constitute a useful decision tool for the owner when developing and executing a construction project.
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    Innovation in the Chilean Construction Industry: Public Policy Instruments
    (Routledge, 2001) Serpell Bley, Alfredo
    The Chilean construction industry has expanded considerably during the last decade. However, this expansion has not been accompanied by a similar development in the way construction companies and projects are managed. Fundamental changes are required to improve the levels of productivity and particularly of quality. As part of a research project on Total Quality Management (TQM) in construction, a survey was undertaken with 24 Chilean construction companies to explore current Chilean construction management practices. An additional objective of this survey was to evaluate the adequacy of construction management to introduce quality improvement processes in construction projects. This paper reports the main results obtained from the survey. It has been structured in three sections: general management characteristics of the industry, construction companies’ management practices and site management practices. The work described contributes in that it identifies the main management deficiencies currently present in the Chilean construction industry and provides important information to design appropriate management improvement strategies and actions to correct them.La construction chilienne a augmenté considérablement au cours de la dernière décennie. Cependant, cette expansion n’a pas été accompagnée d’un développement pareil de la gestion des entreprises et projets de construction. Des changements fondamentaux sont nécessaires pour améliorer les niveaux de productivité et particulièrement de qualité. Faisant part d’une recherche sur Maîtrise Complète de la Qualité (TQM, Total Quality Management) en construction, une enquête fût menée auprès de 24 entreprises de construction chiliennes, pour faire le point sur les pratiques actuelles dans l’administration de construction. Un objectif additionnel de cette enquête fût l’évaluation de la capacité de l’administration de construction pour y introduire des démarches d’amélioration de la qualité aux projets. Cet article montre les principaux résultats tirés de l’enquête. Il compte trois sections: Caractéristiques générates de la gestion dans la construction, pratiques de gestion des entreprises, et pratiques de gestion en chantier. Le travail décrit contribue à identifier les principaux dysfonctionnements actuels de la construction au Chili, et donne une importante information pour la mise en place de stratégies d’amélioration de l’administration, et actions pour leur correction.
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    Innovation in the Chilean Construction Industry: Public Policy Instruments
    (Routledge, 2001) Serpell Bley, Alfredo; Manseau, Andre; Seade, George
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    Using a Knowledge-Based Approach to Foster the Use of Risk Management in Construction
    (IGI Global, 2016) Serpell Bley, Alfredo; Rubio Cervantes, Norma Larissa; Ferrada Calvo, Ximena Veronica
    Knowledge is a key factor in carrying out and improving risk management in construction projects. Even so, it has been found that this management is done inadequately often mainly due to the lack of knowledge available for its execution. Thus, a knowledge-based system for addressing the problems of risk management in construction projects is proposed and described in this chapter. This is a web-based system that aims to supporting risk management for construction projects in an industry environment where risk management is not well valued yet. The system includes a tool that uses a maturity model for the assessment of risk management capabilities of contractors and owners, a module to propose improvements according to the existing gaps reported by the maturity evaluation module, and a knowledge base that supports a project's risk management and has the ability to acquire knowledge from experiences obtained during the implementation of different construction projects.