Percepciones Sociales de los Estudiantes de Educación Superior de Élite: un estudio del caso Chileno
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Se estudian las percepciones sobre el ingreso a la universidad, el esfuerzo, la meritocracia y las desigualdades sociales en los estudiantes de 8 instituciones de educación superior de élite en Chile. Usando las 1.773 respuestas de un cuestionario aplicado a una muestra estratificada de estudiantes de estas instituciones, se estiman modelos de regresión que controlan las diferencias entre grupos socioeconómicos, tipos de universidad y tiempo de estadía en la institución. Los resultados muestran que es el tipo de universidad el principal eje de diferenciación en estas percepciones, siendo los estudiantes de universidades tradicionales más escépticos de la meritocracia y las explicaciones individualistas que sus pares de universidades privadas emergentes. Además, existe una relativa homogeneidad dentro de cada tipo de universidad, salvo en aquellos ítems relacionados con el ingreso a la universidad. A raíz de esto se concluye que los diferentes tipos de instituciones de élite son una distinción relevante para comprender la diversidad de percepciones que existe entre los que transitan por estos espacios de significativa influencia a nivel nacional.
This paper studies the perceptions aboutuniversity access, sense of effort, meritocracy,and social inequalities of students from 8 elite Chilean higher education institutions. Using 1773 responses to a questionnaire that was applied to a stratified sample of students from these universities, regression models that controlfor differences between socioeconomic groups, types of university and time of stay are estimated. The results show that the type of university is the main axis of differentiation in these perceptions, with traditional universitystudents being more skeptical of meritocracy and individualistic explanationsthantheir peers fromemerging private universities. Furthermore, there is a relative homogeneity within each type of university, except inthose items related to university entrance.It is concludedthat the different types of elite institutions are a relevant distinction for understanding the diversity of perceptions that exist amongthose who transit through these highly influence spaces at the national level.
This paper studies the perceptions aboutuniversity access, sense of effort, meritocracy,and social inequalities of students from 8 elite Chilean higher education institutions. Using 1773 responses to a questionnaire that was applied to a stratified sample of students from these universities, regression models that controlfor differences between socioeconomic groups, types of university and time of stay are estimated. The results show that the type of university is the main axis of differentiation in these perceptions, with traditional universitystudents being more skeptical of meritocracy and individualistic explanationsthantheir peers fromemerging private universities. Furthermore, there is a relative homogeneity within each type of university, except inthose items related to university entrance.It is concludedthat the different types of elite institutions are a relevant distinction for understanding the diversity of perceptions that exist amongthose who transit through these highly influence spaces at the national level.
Percepciones, Universidades de élite, Desigualdades sociales, Meritocracia, Perceptions, Elite's universities;, Social inequalities, Meritocracy