Discovery of Thousands of RR Lyrae by the Catalina Surveys

dc.contributor.authorDrake, Andrew J.
dc.contributor.authorDjorgovski, S. G.
dc.contributor.authorCatelan, Márcio
dc.contributor.authorTorrealba, G.
dc.contributor.authorGraham, M.
dc.contributor.authorMahabal, A. A.
dc.contributor.authorDonalek, C.
dc.contributor.authorPrieto, J.
dc.contributor.authorMcNaught, R.
dc.contributor.authorLarson, S. M.
dc.contributor.authorChristensen, E.
dc.contributor.authorBeshore, E. C.
dc.description.abstractWe have performed an extensive search for RR Lyrae among the 500 million sources observed by the Catalina Surveys. We detect 23,000 type-ab RR Lyrae (of which 18,700 are new discoveries) from a region spanning 3/4 of the sky. By combining calibrated Catalina photometry with RR Lyrae absolute magnitude estimates, we derive accurate distances and investigate the spatial distribution of structures within the Galactic halo. We identify hundreds of new RR Lyrae belonging to the Sagittarius tidal streams system and compare their observed properties with predictions from existing N-body models. We discover significant evidence that firmly establishes the existence of a tidal stream reaching Galactocentric distances beyond 100 kpc. This stream remains to be explained by any Sagittarius model. For 1,500 of the RR Lyrae we find matches with targets observed by past SDSS spectroscopic surveys. Combining the radial velocities and metallicity estimates from the SDSS spectra, with photometric distances, we investigate the kinematics and abundances of halo tidal stream populations....
dc.information.autorucInstituto de Astrofísica ; Catelan, Márcio ; 0000-0001-6003-8877 ; 1001556
dc.rightsacceso restringido
dc.titleDiscovery of Thousands of RR Lyrae by the Catalina Surveys
dc.typecomunicación de congreso