Strengthened bond between intervention agent and participant in psychosocial and community programs: from an administrative relationship to a technical-affective bond
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Given the relevance of the bonds established betweenintervention agent and participant during the implementa-tion of programmes with a psychosocial component, westudied an emblematic Chilean programme to overcomepoverty based on psychosocial and community support: theFamilies Program. The participants were 21 people:10 dyads composed of the program participants and theirrespective intervention agents, plus the head of the inter-vention team. We employed a qualitative methodology,conducted semi-structured interviews, and performeddescriptive and relational analysis following grounded the-ory guidelines. This process resulted in a comprehensivemodel of the strengthening of the bond establishedbetween intervention agent and participant. This modeldelimits three relevant dimensions of the agent–participantbond—technical, affective, and interactional—and wedescribe how they are articulated during the transition froman administrative relationship to a technical-affective bond.Lastly, we discuss the processual and temporal constructionof the bond as well as the relevance of considering its threedimensions. Likewise, we reflect on bonds as a way ofhumanizing psychosocial interventions and ponder the chal-lenge of generating a progressive de-bonding that fostersparticipants' autonomy.
Bond, Intervention agent, Participant, Psychosocial support, Relationship