Multi-group confirmatory factor analysis of the life attitude profile in Chile adolecentes

Adolescents are challenged to take decisions about issues associated to the vital circle and the comprehension of the world. Meaning in life (MiL) takes a leading role in adolescence. Reker and Peacock developed the Life Attitude Profile (LAP) for assessing MiL, and Erci developed a revised version (LAP-R). The main objective of this study was to analyze the factorial structure, reliability, invariance across gender, and absence/presence of assessment bias of a Spanish adaptation of the Turkish LAP-R among 2138 Chilean adolescents (1205 boys, 912 girls, and 8 others), who were studying in 3rd and 4th year. The LAP-R showed an acceptable structural validity, acceptable internal consistency, and invariance across gender. MiL as a significant domain of human experience in adolescents
Adolescence, Meaninginlife, Life attitude profile, Multi-group confirmatory factor analysis, Chilean