LAGER Lyα Luminosity Function at z ∼ 7: Implications for Reionization

dc.contributor.authorIsak G. B. Wold
dc.contributor.authorSangeeta Malhotra
dc.contributor.authorJames Rhoads
dc.contributor.authorJunxian Wang
dc.contributor.authorWeida Hu
dc.contributor.authorLucia A. Perez
dc.contributor.authorZhen-Ya Zheng
dc.contributor.authorAli Ahmad Khostovan
dc.contributor.authorAlistair R. Walker
dc.contributor.authorL. Felipe Barrientos
dc.contributor.authorJorge González-López
dc.contributor.authorSantosh Harish
dc.contributor.authorLeopoldo Infante
dc.contributor.authorChunyan Jiang
dc.contributor.authorJohn Pharo
dc.contributor.authorCristóbal Moya-Sierralta
dc.contributor.authorFranz E. Bauer
dc.contributor.authorGaspar Galaz
dc.contributor.authorFrancisco Valdes
dc.contributor.authorHuan Yang
dc.description.abstractWe present a new measurement of the Ly alpha luminosity function (LF) at redshift z = 6.9, finding moderate evolution from z = 5.7 that is consistent with a fully or largely ionized z similar to 7 intergalactic medium. Our result is based on four fields of the LAGER (Lyman Alpha Galaxies in the Epoch of Reionization) project. Our survey volume of 6.1 x 10(6) Mpc(3) is double that of the next largest z similar to 7 survey. We combine two new LAGER fields (WIDE12 and GAMA15A) with two previously reported LAGER fields (COSMOS and CDFS). In the new fields, we identify N = 95 new z = 6.9 Ly alpha emitter (LAEs) candidates, characterize our survey's completeness and reliability, and compute Ly alpha LFs. The best-fit Schechter LF parameters for all four LAGER fields are in good general agreement. Two fields (COSMOS and WIDE12) show evidence for a bright-end excess above the Schechter function fit. We find that the Ly alpha luminosity density declines at the same rate as the UV continuum LF from z = 5.7 to 6.9. This is consistent with an intergalactic medium that was fully ionized as early as redshift z similar to 7 or with a volume-averaged neutral hydrogen fraction of x (H I) < 0.33 at 1 sigma.
dc.rightsacceso restringido
dc.titleLAGER Lyα Luminosity Function at z ∼ 7: Implications for Reionizationes_ES