Estimation of ventilatory thresholds during exercise using respiratory wearable sensors

Ventilatory thresholds (VTs) are key physiological parameters used to evaluate physical performanceand determine aerobic and anaerobic transitions during exercise. Current assessment of theseparameters requires ergospirometry, limiting evaluation to laboratory or clinical settings. In this work,we introduce a wearable respiratory system that continuously tracks breathing during exercise andestimates VTs during ramp tests. We validate the respiratory rate and VTs predictions in 17 healthyadults using ergospirometry analysis. In addition, we use the wearable system to evaluate VTs in 107recreational athletes during ramp tests outside the laboratory and show that the mean populationvalues agree with physiological variables traditionally used to exercise prescription. We envision thatrespiratory wearables can be useful in determining aerobic and anaerobic parameters with promisingapplications in health telemonitoring and human performance