A global horizon scan for urban evolutionary ecology

dc.contributor.authorVerrelli, Brian C.
dc.contributor.authorAlberti, Marina
dc.contributor.authorDes Roches, Simone
dc.contributor.authorHarris, Nyeema C.
dc.contributor.authorHendry, Andrew P.
dc.contributor.authorJohnson, Marc T. J.
dc.contributor.authorSavage, Amy M.
dc.contributor.authorCharmantier, Anne
dc.contributor.authorGotanda, Kiyoko M.
dc.contributor.authorGovaert, Lynn
dc.contributor.authorMiles, Lindsay S.
dc.contributor.authorRivkin, L. Ruth
dc.contributor.authorWinchell, Kristin M.
dc.contributor.authorBrans, Kristien I.
dc.contributor.authorCorrea, Cristian
dc.contributor.authorDiamond, Sarah E.
dc.contributor.authorFitzhugh, Ben
dc.contributor.authorGrimm, Nancy B.
dc.contributor.authorHughes, Sara
dc.contributor.authorMarzluff, John M.
dc.contributor.authorMunshi-South, Jason
dc.contributor.authorRojas Quezada, Carolina Alejandra
dc.contributor.authorSantangelo, James S.
dc.contributor.authorSchell, Christopher J.
dc.contributor.authorSchweitzer, Jennifer A.
dc.contributor.authorSzulkin, Marta
dc.contributor.authorUrban, Mark C.
dc.contributor.authorZhou, Yuyu
dc.contributor.authorZiter, Carly
dc.contributor.otherCEDEUS (Chile)
dc.description.abstractThe impact of urbanization on biodiversity has been well documented, yet research into the complex dynamics of ecological and evolutionary processes in urban areas is still in its infancy. When novel research challenges emerge, a horizon scan exercise is an integrated approach that brings together global interdisciplinary-minded individuals to identify future research questions that can influence new collaborations and funding agenda. Our horizon scan identified 30 questions for future research in urban evolutionary ecology covering themes in fundamental ecological and evolutionary processes, temporal and spatial scales, sustainability, climate change, sociopolitical and ethical considerations, and innovation in technology. Research on the evolutionary ecology of urban areas reveals how human-induced evolutionary changes affect biodiversity and essential ecosystem services. In a rapidly urbanizing world imposing many selective pressures, a time-sensitive goal is to identify the emergent issues and research priorities that affect the ecology and evolution of species within cities. Here, we report the results of a horizon scan of research questions in urban evolutionary ecology submitted by 100 interdisciplinary scholars. We identified 30 top questions organized into six themes that highlight priorities for future research. These research questions will require methodological advances and interdisciplinary collaborations, with continued revision as the field of urban evolutionary ecology expands with the rapid growth of cities.
dc.format.extent14 páginas
dc.information.autorucInstituto de estudios urbanos y territoriales ; Rojas Quezada, Carolina Alejandra ; 0000-0001-9505-4252 ; 1085840
dc.nota.accesoContenido parcial
dc.revistaTrends in Ecology & Evolutiones_ES
dc.rightsacceso restringido
dc.subjectUrban ecologyes_ES
dc.subjectUrban evolutiones_ES
dc.subjectClimate changees_ES
dc.titleA global horizon scan for urban evolutionary ecologyes_ES
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