RR Lyrae in the LMC: Insights Into the Oosterhoff Phenomenon

dc.contributor.authorKuehn, Charles A
dc.contributor.authorSmith, Horace A.
dc.contributor.authorCatelan, Marcio
dc.contributor.authorJeon, Young-Beom
dc.contributor.authorNemec, James M.
dc.contributor.authorWalker, Alistair R.
dc.contributor.authorKunder, Andrea
dc.contributor.authorDame, Kyra
dc.contributor.authorPritzl, Barton J.
dc.contributor.authorDe Lee, Nathan
dc.contributor.authorBorissova, Jura
dc.description.abstractAlthough more than eight decades have passed since P. Th. Oosterhoff drew attention to differences in the properties of RR Lyrae variables in globular clusters, the origin and significance of the Oosterhoff groups remain unclear. Nonetheless, the accumulation of extensive new observations of RR Lyrae stars in globular clusters of the Milky Way and Local Group galaxies allows a fresh look at the phenomenon. Insights come not only from surveys of variables within the original Oosterhoff groups I and II but also from recent observations of the Oosterhoff-intermediate systems found especially in smaller Local Group galaxies. We will compare properties of RR Lyrae in several systems to investigate what they reveal about system-to-system differences of transition temperature between fundamental-mode and first overtone pulsators and of horizontal branch luminosity. Both transition temperature and horizontal branch luminosity have at various times been credited as playing roles in the creation of the Oosterhoff dichotomy....
dc.information.autorucInstituto de Astrofísica; Catelan , Marcio; 0000-0001-6003-8877; 1001556
dc.rightsacceso restringido
dc.titleRR Lyrae in the LMC: Insights Into the Oosterhoff Phenomenon
dc.typedocumento de trabajo